Sweets and the {Planner} Interview - Nathalie Cadet-James Luxe Fête
Nathalie, thanks so much for taking the time to share your story with Déjà Vu Sweets readers. As we both have the same name, how many different nicknames do you have? Just a random question, lol!
My friends call me Nat and my “Crew” calls me Nat Nat, but my most treasured name of all is simply “Mama”.
Nathalie Cadet-James, Luxe Fête
OMG! I will forever treasure Mama! It always warms me up when I hear it. Give our readers a little overview of your story and location?
I am a former attorney who clerked for a Federal Judge and worked at top law firms, but I found my true calling as an entrepreneur when I launched Luxe Fête, an international event planning, and design studio. Since then I am proud to say that I been named by Harper’s BAZAAR as one of the top wedding planners in the world. Our clientele includes fashion houses, political candidates, NFL athletes, and global Fortune 500 CEOs. We are located in Miami, Florida but travel the world to design, plan, and execute. I am blessed to live a life filled with passion and gratitude. Every day I get to interact with amazing people who entrust me and my team with the task of producing their dream event. Oftentimes I feel like I am dreaming. I have been featured in numerous national and international publications, recognized as an “industry innovator” and “event guru.” I pride myself on an innovative yet timeless approach to planning and designing events, which has drawn the likes of high-profile brides, executives, and clientele which include Hillary Clinton, Christian Dior, Gucci, and Prada.
Congratulations on being named! This is truly an honor to be one of the top wedding planners in the world! As one of your vendors, I have seen your artistic skills, your thought process, and your fabulous dinner parties! You have truly revolutionized the meaning of modern dinner parties and international planning can you tell our readers a little bit about this?
I’ve recently launched Luxe Fête Social, a dinner party in a box that leverages the power of the internet to make the joys of connecting over a beautiful setting, great food, and stimulating conversation easily accessible at one’s home. I am deeply passionate about telling stories, creating spaces that connect people, and celebrating life. Through LuxeFeteSocial.com, customers can select one of six personally designed and curated table settings. Exciting updates to share very very soon!
I will definitely be waiting for those updates! What are your favorite parts of being a Designer?
My favorite part about being a designer is with each new client, I get to create a unique ambiance that embodies all that they are — their personalities, their journey, their love story. I feel honored to be a part of these big moments in my clients’ lives.
We have so many designers who are starting in the business; what do you recommend for them to cultivate their creativity?
The key to cultivating creativity is to allow yourself to dream and to create for yourself first. It’s counterintuitive when you are in the service industry - but this has always worked for me. Art is subjective. So long as you feel sound and inspired by the work you put in the universe, you will continue to cultivate something very special.
As an International Planner, can you tell us one of the beautiful locations where you have hosted a gathering?
I fall in love with each location that we share with our clients. I did a wedding in Italy a few years ago that I still see in my dreams. It was a small wedding in the Italian countryside, among the grounds of a former 18th-century church. It was so intimate and magical.
Oh, I can envision the scenery now. To hear the wind and the gorgeous view. So dreamy! On that note, how do you stay so positive and GORGEOUS?
You are very kind. Thank you. I tell my girls this all the time - beauty and grace comes from inside - nothing else. I exercise often to take care of my mind and body. I never thought I would be that girl. Also, COVID times has meant far fewer days with make up, hair gel or heels. I’m kind of liking it. It has stripped down so much and reignited what is truly extraordinary about life - our well being and the opportunity to be present in life in both good and difficult times.
Nathalie Cadet-James, Luxe Fête
With each location that we share with our clients. I did a wedding in Italy a few years ago that I still see in my dreams. It was a small wedding in the Italian countryside, among the grounds of a former 18th-century church. It was so intimate and magical.
- Luxe Fête Owner, Nathalie Cadet-James
Yes, COVID has caused us to remind us of the little things - positive and negative. To our readers how can you be reached?
I am always available by email at info@luxefete.com! I also have an inquiry form on my website that our team checks daily.
How far in advance do you generally like clients to book you?
My clients usually book 18 months to 2 years out from their desired wedding date.
Give us a little bit of your random wisdom.
Grace will take you places hustlin' can't!
Grace it is. Thank you again so much for providing us your time Nathalie. Stay soulful and beautiful! I look forward to seeing what’s in store for Luxe Fête!